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孟祥春 研究员

时间:2023-08-16 15:34 来源:本网 【字体:





1) 孟祥春,高子祥,张昭其,张爱玉. 夏橙果实发育后期及返青期类胡萝卜素积累及乙烯的调控. 中国农业科学, 2011,44(3):538-544.

2) Meng Xiangchun, Tang Yanxia, Zhang Aiyu, Huang Xuemei, Zhang Zhaoqi. Effect of oligochitosan on development of Colletotrichum musae in vitro and in situ and its role in protection of banana fruits. Fruits, 2012, 67: 147~155.

3) Xiangchun Meng, Yinfeng Lin, Shengbin Li, Yuhui Wen, Yuehua Wang. Separation and purification of polyphenols from Camellia semiserrata seed cake with macroporous resin and their antimicrobial activity. Medicinal plant, 2012,3(11):13-19.

4) Miyara I., Shnaiderman C., Meng X., Vargas W. A., Diza-Minguez J.M., Sherman A., Thon M. and Prusky D. Role of nitrogen-metabolism genes expressed during pathogenicity of the alkalinizing Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and their differential expression in acidifying pathogens. MPMI, 2012, 25(9):1251~1263.

5) Alkan N, Meng X(Co-first author), Friedlander G, et al. Global aspects of pacC regulation of pathogenicity genes in Colletotrichum gloeosporioides as revealed by transcriptomeanalysis. MPMI,26(11):1345-1358, 2013.

6) 毕方铖,戴宏芬,孟祥春(通讯作者). 农杆菌介导的芒果胶胞炭疽菌遗传转化及致病性缺陷突变体的筛选. 热带农业科学,2014,34(8):1-5.

7) 李俊,孟祥春(通讯作者),张爱玉,毕方铖,张昭其. 茶树油粕水粗提物控制香蕉采后炭疽病害的研究. 保鲜与加工,2014,4:20-23.

8) 孟祥春,毕方铖,丁心,邓其海. 柑桔采后规范化乙烯脱绿技术介绍. 中国南方果树,2014,43(6):26-28.

9) 孟祥春,毕方铖,丁心,邓其海. 茶树油粕粗提物对柑橘青绿霉病发生的抑制作用. 中国生物防治学报,2015,31(2):236-241.

10) Xiangchun Meng, Jun Li, Fangcheng Bi, Lixue Zhu, Zhiyu Ma. Antifungal Activities of Crude Extractum from Camellia semiserrata Chi (Nanshancha) Seed Cake AgainstColletotrichum musae, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides andPenicillium italicum in vitro and in vivo Fruit Test. The Plant Pathology Journal, 2015, 31:414-420.

11) Fangcheng Bi, Xiangchun Meng. Identification of miRNAs involved in fruit ripening in Cavendish bananas by deep sequencing. BMC Genomics. 2015. 16:776.

12) 孟祥春,黄泽鹏,毕方铖,金文渊. 干雾湿度控制系统的组建及果蔬贮藏保鲜应用试验. 农业工程学报,2016,32(11):271-276.


1) 鲜切番木瓜的涂膜材料及其保鲜方法,专利号ZL 2010 1 0227131.5,发明人:孟祥春,王娟,陈平生,凡超.

2) 一种贮藏冷库用果蔬雾化加湿保鲜系统,专利号ZL201520513247.3,授权公告日,2015年12月16日,发明人:孟祥春,毕方铖.

3) 采后果蔬安全自动化转色处理系统,专利号ZL201520951410.4,授权公告日,2016年06月08日,发明人:孟祥春,毕方铖.


柠檬产业化关键技术集成研发与应用, 广东省科技进步三等奖[2016]1808号 (排名第三) 2016年2月.

“尤力克柠檬标准化栽培及采后商品化处理技术应用与推广”广东省农业技术推广奖三等奖. 2015年12月. 证书号:2014-3-Z26-R01

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