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Full-time education and obtained PhD degree in agronomy, plant physiology and molecular biology or plant nutrition. 2. At least 1 paper published in SCI journal as first author.UO�y� xvzXT \OirW� O���y/4l;z�b�u���y0�T(����y�S:gtxvz   �vяNN���W )TEL:13672459163 E-mail:hexiuying@gdaas.cn�1.Professional field: Crop genetics and breeding. 2.Research direction:Rice breeding for disease resistance, good quality breeding,and study on genetic mechanism Related professional fieldR �e xvzXT  iirRP[W� O/4l;z͑���W�Vt��[�SRP[���y @  iirW� O0RP[uirf[b�vяNN ��N�NǏ4l;zxvz�OHQ�wQ g��:_�v�����Q���R �\O:N,{N\O��Sh��Nq_�T�VP[��Ǐ3.0�vSCI���e069 := (TEL:020-85162404 E-mail:lbgz1009@163.comFPlant Molecular Genetics/Gene discovery and molecular breeding in rice)1.Background: Plant Genetics, Molecular Biology, or similar majors; The applicant having experience in rice study has the priority. 2.Research experience: Applicant must have good reading and writing skills in English, and as the first author has published SCI papers with impact factor above 3.0. _\�~ xvzXT?  iirW� O0RP[uirf[b�vяNN ��N�NǏ4l;zxvz�OHQ�wQ g��:_�v�����Q���R ��N,{N\O��Sh��Nq_�T�VP[��Ǐ3.0�vSCI���e058 9< (TEL:020-85161043 E-mail:szhanggz@tom.com+1. Background: Plant Genetics, Molecular Biology, or similar majors; The applicant having experience in rice study has the priority. 2. Research experience: Applicant must have good reading and writing skills in English, and as the first author has published SCI papers with impact factor above 3.0.# �ghxvz@b Fruit Tree Research Institute fr^�Q xvzXT �ghf[/�ghRP[uirf[NW� O9eo� O�]���_ZS�Xf[MO ����r�z_U\�yx�]\O� g��}Y�v�e�Q\O���R ����r�z�d�Q�yx���e�wQ g��:_�v iirRP[uirf[0�~ހuirf[ ��N�Suir�Oo`f[�W@x ��NN�_:_ � g�V��|^y0+TEL:13302200898 E-mail:yiganjun@vip.163.comGFruit Science/�Molecular Biology and Genetic Improvement of Fruit Treesp1. The applicant has obtained a doctor's degree in recent years and can carry out scientific research independently. He/She has good English writing ability and can write scientific research papers independently. 2. The applicant has a strong foundation in plant molecular biology, cell biology and bioinformatics. 3. The applicant is enterprising and has team spirit.��^�p xvzXT�gXjW� O���y/�gXjĞ���u�Su�vRP[:gt�T�~T2��l  RP[uirf[ ��Sh�SCI���e2�{  'TEL:18928716096 E-mail:gy_zhong@163.comaCitrus�Genetics�and�Breeding/Molecular�Aspects�and�Integrated�Management�of�Citrus�Huanglongbing )Molecular biology, published 2 SCI papers _#k#k xvzXT�gh�b'`utN%�{QRP[uirf[P �ghuirf[NNZS�X �wQ g�r�_U\�yx�v���R�������T�Q\O���R:_ �(WZS�Xg���Sh�,gf[�y�vsQ���W�Q�vSCI���e1�{b�N N�IF>3 �N-N�yb�JCRR:S2:Sb�N N �14 67 <@ EH JK .TEL:18686858496 E-mail:sophylovely0579@163.comS1. Resistant physiology of fruit tree 2. Nutritious molecular biology of�fruit tree�1. PhD in fruit tree biology. 2. Ability to carry out scientific research independently. 3. Good English reading and writing skills. 4. Published 1 or more SCI papers in the related field during the doctoral period (IF>3 and JCR 2 or above)",�܃xvz@b Vegetable Research Institute"�'Y�h xvzXT ,�܃=h�Wut �q�` iirut�T\Oir%�{QNN�wƋ0 g_U\RP[uirf[xvz̀ofE-mail:xiedasen@126.com#Physiology of vegetable cultivationnFamiliar with knowledge on plant physiology and crop nutrition, have research background in molecular biology. ,�܃f[/,�܃�b'`N�T(���c�vsQ�W�V�v�S�c�S)R(u : ���_ iirRP[uirf[�uirf[ �0Sf[uirf[0�Qf[0�Vz�f[I{�vsQNNZS�Xf[MO; guir�Oo`f[0�~f[xvz�~�S�OHQFO^��_�0$% bVegetalbe Science/Mining and utilization of resistance and quality controlling genes in vegetables��1. A motivated candidate with a PhD in plant molecular biology (biology), chemical biology, agronomy, horticulture and other related fields. 2. Experience with bioinformatics and/or omics is preferred but not required. 9\ s� xvzXT    iir�utf[/,�܃�b0a�uRP[:gtxvz�Suir2��l�b/gxvz S wQ g iir�utf[0RP[uirf[0,�܃f[0uir2��lI{NǸofKNNb�vяNǸof��Sh�2�{�N N�+T2�{ �SCI���eb�Sh�1�{IF'Y�NI{�N5�vSCI���e;3u��,{NJ\ZS�XT�OHQ'( -. 03 89 :< @A BE GH E-mail:yinyan1988@126.comhPlant pathology/ Study on the molecu< lar mechanism of disease resistance and susceptibility of vegetables@1. The applicant has one of professional backgrounds in plant pathology, molecular biology, vegetable science, biological control or similar major. 2. The applicant has published more than 2 SCI papers (including 2) or 1 SCI paper with an impact factor�e"5. 3. Application for the first postdoctoral position is preferred_l j_ xvzXT ,�܃f[/�t{|,�܃�g�[�S��:gtxvz ,�܃RP[uirf[/TEL:020-38469579 E-mail:jiangbiao198354@163.com6Olericulture/ Fruit development mechanism of CucurbitsVegetable molecular biologyY[�OZ xvzXTju�RP[ iir���y RP[uirf[/RP[ iir���y (TEL:020-38469456 E-mail:395451985@qq.comTomato�molecular�breeding} Familiar�with�knowledge�on�molecular�breeding0CRISPR/Cas9 �have�research�background�in�molecular�biology�and reverse�genetics- .9 :NgBh�� xvzXT,�܃ iirRP[uirf[ ��Vz�f[b iirW� O���y'TEL:13611472357 E-mail:398739253@qq.com vegetable<Molecular�biology, Horticulture ,Plant�genetics�and�breeding4Twm�n xvzXT �Vz�f[/,�܃RP[W� Of[ 0\OirW� O���y0 iiruirf[0�Vz�f[0R�gSf[0uir�Oo`f[�vsQNN � guir�Oo`f[0�~f[�yx̀of�OHQ&TEL:020-38469599 E-mail:9033278@qq.com)Horticulture/Vegetable molecular genetics�1. Major requirement: crop genetics and breeding, plant biology, horticulture, analytical chemistry, or bioinformatics 2. Experience with bioinformatics and/or omics is preferred��]HQ xvzXT,�܃D��nTEL:13660674941Vegetable resourcesWQR�[ xvzXT �Vz�f[/,�܃RP[���y \OirW� O���y0�Vz�f[0 iir�utf[�vsQNN'TEL:13600050627 E-mail:623680764@qq.com)Horticulture/Vegetable molecular breeding` Major requirement: crop genetics and breeding, horticulture, plant pathology or relative fieldsUOՈ�_ xvzXT)TEL:13427547716 E-mail:plantgroup@126.com �f eP xvzXT  \Oirxvz@b Crops Research Institute��^^ xvzXTu�ss|sQ.�'`�r�v9eo��SvQRP[�W@x7wQ g\OirW� O���y0\Oir�y(�D��n0uirSf[NRP[uirf[0uir�Oo`f[NǸof ���Y�r�z�����yf[�[���T_U\�yx�]\O0'TEL:13825163744 E-mail:jghu2003@263.netIMolecular basis and germplasm improvement of the key traits in sweet corn� 1. Major:Crop Genetics and Breeding �Crop Germplasm Resources �Biochemistry and Molecular Biology �Bioinformatics. 2. Research skills�Be able to independently design scientific experiments and carry out scientific research.# $< =_ `� �*mf_l_ xvzXT��uRP[���y �q�` iirRP[���y,ZS�Xg���Sh�IF>3.0 SCI���e2�{�N N   *TEL:13826214570 E-mail:hongyanbin@gdaas.cnPeanut molecular breedingcFamiliar with plant molecular breeding,Published more than 2 SCI papers with IF> 3.0 during his PhD?b/Os^ xvzXTu�����y7  iir�utf[0RP[uirf[0uir�Oo`f[I{NN �ZS�XT$Nt^����Sh�$N�{q_�T�VP[3.0�N N�v�e�z �b�N�{6.0�e�z0$' 14 7TEL:13902268670 /15902073684 E-mail:huanglifei@gdaas.cnSweetpotato breeding.�Plant pathology, molecular biology, bioinformatics, etc.Two years of postdoctoral research is required to publish 2 SCI articles with an impact factor greater than 3.0, Or an�SCI�article with an impact factor greater than 6.0.�s�z� xvzXT u��D��nNW� O���y� 35hT�\�N N ��]�S�_ZS�Xf[MO �wQYo�}Y�v�r�z�yx���R ��e,T����Q���R�NNS+TFO NP��N\OirW� O���y0\Oir=h�WN�\O0RP[uirf[0D��nN�s�XI{��N,{N\O��+TqQN �b���\O����N�Sh��+T�c�S �SCI���eN�{�N N��p1r�yx ��]\O��w�#� �wQ go�}Y�v�V�OS\O�|^y `c -TEL:15817096369 E-mail:wangzhangying@gdaas.cn5sweet potato germplasm resources and genetic breeding�1. PhD, Under the age of 35, have good independent scientific research ability, English listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. 2.�Majors include but not limited to crop genetics and breeding, crop cultivation and farming system, molecular biology, resources and environment, etc. 3. Publish more than one SCI paper (including acceptance) as the first author or corresponding author. 4. Love scientific research, with good team work spirit.�s�~NS xvzXT o�(u iir/ iirD��nf[buir�Oo`f[  ,{N\O��Sh�SCI���e2�{�N N  *TEL:020-87541262 E-mail:wangjihua@gdaas.cn;Medicinal plants / Plant resource science or BioinformaticsMore than 2 published papersĞ/c^t xvzXT  iir%�{Qf[/�pI�{QRؚHe)R(u��_0�e��� �u�kMQ�uf[0�u�Suirf[0�~�guirf[buir�Oo`f[NN��N�r�z,{N\O��Sh�IF>3.0 SCI�e�zb�N:S�e�z1�{ (-N�yb�R:S)#- 45 68 =(TEL:13380065660 E-mail:mliao@scau.edu.cnCPreventive Veterinary Medicine / Animal infection and�pathogenesis�1. Major requirement: Viral immunology, pathogen biology, structural biology, or�Bioinformatics. 2.Research ability: As the independent first author published one article of IF>3.0 SCI or zone II SCI (Division of Chinese academy of sciences)�_�_�[ xvzXT ߘ�T�yf[/�Rir�n'`ߘ�T�[hQ �_uir0ߘ�T�[hQ* TEL:13922162272 � E-mail:xuzhihong@gdaas.cn 'Food�science/Animal-derived food safetyMicroorganism, food safetyO��e�^ xvzXT}Q;SF  ��2�}Q;S�Suirf[�vsQNN�wQY(Ww萧~͑�p�[���[�N�N�W�V��N�~ހ�] zSb�[�W�V�~f[0ʋ�e�|�Qv�hI{�vsQxvz�~�S�S���R�b�Ջ�e N��35�\0 BD +TEL: 13808879089 E-mail:weiwenkang@gdaas.cn Veterinary-Major in preventive veterinary medicine and Biology related major; have experience and ability in gene editing, cell engineering or macrogenomics, diagnostic precision target and other related research in provincial and ministerial key laboratories; no more than 35 years old at the time of interview.Y[�ޘ xvzXT }Q;S/�[uk�uS�N"�0��u:g6Rxvz $ �q�`�[uk�uS�N"�0��u:g6RI{xvzMR�l�b/g�SCI���eq_�T�VP[e"3.00 # 3TEL:020-85292300 13828416909 E-mail:smf7810@126.comGVeterinary /parasite biochemical metabolism and pathological mechanisms�1. Familiar with the recent advanced techniques in parasite biochemical metabolism and pathological mechanisms. 2.Publish SCI-indexed papers with minimum 3.T NS xvzXT ��2�}Q;Sf[/�N}QqQ�`�uN͑'Y�Rir O�g�uxvz #��2�}Q;Sf[NǸof ��N�NǏ�u�k�vRP[uirf[0AmL��uf[0MQ�uf[I{xvz̀of(TEL:13824487001 E-mail:Xiangh898@163.comGPreventive veterinary medicine/major animal infectious disease research�Work or researched on Preventive veterinary medicine major, mastered on molecular biology, epidemiology ,immunology of virus,etc.Ng%f�s xvzXT ��2�}Q;Sf[/��u:gt0�e�W�uׂ : uirSf[/��2�}Q;Sb��2�;Sf[/�_uirNMQ�uf[NN��Sh�SCI�N:S�N N���e2�{�N N ��q�~�c�cuir�Oo`f[�T�W�V���b/g0   $% 'TEL:13729882585 E-mail:lclclare@163.comGPreventive veterinary medicine/pathogenesis, development of new vaccine�1. Professional background: biochemistry/preventive veterinary or preventive medicine/microbiology and immunology. 2. Scientific research ability: published more than 2 SCI papers, proficient in bioinformatics and gene editing.T�k�~ xvzXT }Q;S/�Rir�u�u2��c�b/gxvz�Sʋ�eՋBRx�S ��2�}Q;Sf[0ʋ�eՋBRx�S���w0OS\O$TEL:13622880846 E-mail:gdred@163.comyVeterinary /Technology research on animal disease prevention and control, Research and development of diagnostic reagents[Preventive veterinary medicine, Development of diagnostic reagents; serious and cooperativem_�e�[ xvzXT }Q;S/�_uir U wQ g�_uirf[/uir�Oo`f[xvz̀of �wQ g�~̃f[�vsQxvz�~�S ��q�`uir�Oo`f[ ��Sh�Ǐ�vsQ�v TL�ċ���vxvz���e,���g��vsQ�e.s,wQ g�r�z�����[���v���R �wQ g��}Y�v���e�Q\O���R0 45 <= (TEL:020-85290406 E-mail:996202250@qq.com+Veterinary Medicine/Veterinary MicrobiologyLThe applicant should have a background in microbiology/bi< oinformatics and have research experiences in bacteriology, be familiar with bioinformatics; have published a peer-reviewed research paper, be able to consult relevant literature and design biology trials independently, and should be good at writing scietific research paper.I �QNN�QQg�~Nm�SU\xvz Agricultural Economy and Rural Development Research Institute N �_ xvzXT �QN�~Nm�{t/�QN�NN�~Nm�SU\xvz  �~Nmf[NNZS�Xu �lQ_�Sh�NNf[/g���e3�{�N N0 +TEL:18922257098 E-mail:wanzhong1999@163.com[Agricultural economic management/Study on the economic development of agricultural industry?PhD degree in economics, published academic papers of 3 or more6��Sxvz@b Tea Research InstituteU�Rp� xvzXT 1.6�h%�{Qut,2. iirutf[,3.uirSf[NRP[uirf[   j ���r�z_U\�yx�[�� ��q�`8^ĉ iir%�{Qf[0 iirutf[0uirSf[NRP[uirf[I{�[���b/g� g��}Y�v�e����T�Q\O���R � g�\N�{,{N\O�SCI���e��]\O�#�0 g Nۏ�_ �wQ go�}Y�v�yxS��_0T\OaƋ0�V��|^y�T�l����R0AD )TEL:13560254006 E-mail:tangjinchi@126.comSTea plant nutrition physiology/�Plant physiology/Biochemistry and molecular biology�1.You should have the ability to work independently, and have a research experience focus in plant nutrition physiology, plant physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology. 2. You should have excellent English language skills,�and more than one SCI papers are needed. 3. You should be motivated, highly interested in agricultural plant science. Good research ethics, sense of cooperation, team spirit and communication ability are needed.4TNS�s xvzXT6�hW� O���yZ��\OirW� O���y0�Vz�f[0uirSf[NRP[uirf[0 iirf[06�f[0uir�Oo`f[b�vяNNZS�Xf[MO�wQ gNb�[�v iir�STW� Of[�W@x ��[���RKb���R:_�bwQuir�Oo`f[xvz̀of�wQ go�}Y�v�e4ls^0(TEL:13138473064 E-mail:wuhualing@163.comTea plant genetics and breeding1. PhD degree in crop genetics and breeding, horticulture, biochemistry and molecular biology, botany, tea, bioinformatics or similar area 2. Solid foundation of plant reverse genetics and strong operational ability in experiment 3. Good ability in English.7�s�X�Vz�xvz@b Environment and Horticulture Research Institute1g9h�S xvzXT �Vz�f[/pQ�y��ISW� O���y !W� Of[0�Vz�f[0 iirf[I{uirf[�vsQNN � g\OirW� O���y�vsQ�~��OHQ'TEL:13925098576 E-mail:genfazhu@163.com.Horticulture/orchidaceae genetics and breedingvGenetics, horticulture, botany and other biology related majors, experience in crop genetics and breeding is preferred�s�N�[ xvzXT; 1.�=�u`f[/�V�g iir�=�u`f[;2.ĉR����/�QNof‰ĉR����;3.aNQg4l�s�X�O Y04lu`b` Y04lof‰�^���b/gxvz    !$ � 1. iirf[0u`f[0�Vz�f[I{�vsQNN � g i��peϑu`f[xvz�~��OHQ0 2.Θof�V�g0u`f[0�WaNĉR0�e8nĉRI{�vsQNN � g�QN�NNĉR0�QNof‰ĉR�vsQ�~��OHQ0 3.�s�X�yf[0u`f[04luuirf[I{�vsQNN�eT��N,{N\O��Sh�SCI�e�z1�{�N N�wQ go�}Y�v�e����T�Q\O���R��]\O��[��w �wQ go�}Y�v�V�OS\O�|^y0 "% RU ru wx )TEL:13650769948 E-mail:wdr2002929@126.com�1.Community Ecology/ Landscape Plant Community Ecology. 2.Landscape Planning and Design/ Agricultural Landscape Planning and Design 3.Polluted�water environment�remediation;Aquatic�ecosystem�restoration;Water Landscape�construction;1. Botany, ecology, horticulture and other related majors, experience in Quantitative Ecology of Vegetation is preferred. 2. Landscape architecture, ecology, urban and rural planning, tourism planning and other related majors, experience in agricultural industry planning, agricultural landscape planning is preferred. 3. PhD in Environmental�science, Ecology, hydrobiology or related studies�Published at least one article indexed by SCI as the first author; 4. 4.Good English reading and writing ability;Good teamwork spirit.T YuQ xvzXT ‰O��Vz�/pQ��W� O���y \OirW� O���yb�vsQNN*TEL:13660373325 E-mail:13660373325@163.com/ornamental horticulture/Orchid genetic breeding,Crop genetics and breeding or related majorsY[ f�l xvzXT ‰O�\OirutN=h�Wf[ �Qf[0�Vz�0�gf[0 iirf[I{�vsQNN��Sh�ǏSCI���e *TEL:13609796322 E-mail:13609796322@163.com*Ornamental Crop Physiology and CultivationaMajor in agriculture, horticulture, forestry or botany, etc; Published papers were indexed by SCI�_Tf%f xvzXT‰O��Vz�+ �Qf[0�Vz�0�gf[0 iirf[I{�vsQNN�RP[uirf[��Sh�ǏSCI���e/ Major in  $TEL:13112236528 E-mail:tahua@126.com Ornamental horticulturekagriculture, horticulture, forestry or botany, etc; Molecular biology; Published papers were indexed by SCI: �QNuir�W�Vxvz-N�_ Agricultural Biological Gene Research Institute H� �^ xvzXT �_uir/\u�y4l�N�Rir��S��_uir .�Rir%�{Q04l�N{Q�k0r��e�R�]0�_uirb�vяNN ����r�z_U\�vsQy��vxvz �wQ go�}Y�v�Q\O���R0TEL:13802927277R �Q xvzXT�yP[h�‰W� Of[ ZS�X,��Qf[buirf[NN &TEL:13922496071 E-mail:liujun@gdaas.cn3 �Q�N�TlQqQ�vKm-N�_ <1Public Monitoring Center for Agro-product �s�[NS xvzXT �Q�N�T(�ϑ�[hQ/�Q�N�T(�ϑ�[hQNh�Q  g�Qf[NǸof ��N�N�Q�N�T(�ϑ�[hQNh�Qxvz&TEL:020-85161063 E-mail:wfhwqs@163.com`Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products/Quality Safety and Standard of Agricultural Products�s �e xvzXT �Q�N�T(�ϑ�[hQ/�Q�N�T(�ϑ�[hQΘi�ċ0ONh�Q  g�Qf[b�]f[NǸof ��N�N�Q�N�Tbߘ�T�[hQ�vsQxvz/TEL:020-85161195 E-mail:wangxuguangzhou@126.comqQuality and Safety of Agricultural Products/ Quality&Safety Risk Assessment and Standard of Agricultural ProductsC �QN�yxՋ��:y�:W Agricultural Scientific Experiment and Demonstration Farm  _�܏ xvzXT ,�܃f[/�t{|,�܃RP[���yN=h�Wut F wQ go�}Y�vRP[ iir���yt���W@x�T�[E��d\O�b���bwQ go�}Y�v iirutt���W@x�TՋ���d\O�b����wQ g��:_�v�r�z�yx���R ���w��[ ��yx#��N�_:_0-. TEL:13538879130JVegetable Science /Cucurbits molecular breeding and cultivation physiology�1.�Have a good theoretical basis and practical skills in molecular plant breeding and /or plant physiology. 2.�Strong indenpendence,hight responsiblity and motivation in research.T����G ���. � ��� $�%=)�4�@ML�U  d����MbP?_*+��%v��D ��,�6�F�X�j�v���������&|�'}�'�?'�?(�?)�?�" H�?�?�&�U} ��} ��} ` �} ` �}  ?�} �!�}  ����~<~�M����%� _ TMO xvzXT%�Y[�OZ xvzXT%��s�z� xvzXT%��sN�Q xvzXT%�US��� xvzXT%�ѐ%f0u xvzXT%�?b/Os^ xvzXT%����[�R xvzXT%���� xvzXT%��s�[NS xvzXT%��z�s�� xvzXT%�*mf_l_ xvzXT'�T NS xvzXT'��� ZW xvzXT%�R�_�s xvzXT'�H� O xvzXT'�N �_ xvzXT'�R �Q xvzXT%�u��~� xvzXT%�T YuQ xvzXT%���^�p xvzXT%��s �R xvzXT%� _^t�� xvzXT%��_�_�[ xvzXT%� _/cޘ xvzXT%�~��~� xvzXT%��^�h�l xvzXT%��s�N�[ xvzXT%�U�Rp� xvzXT%�WQR�[ xvzXT%����[Sf xvzXT'��^ f Ye �c%�4TNS�s xvzXT%����[� xvzXT%�U�bN� xvzXT%��s�~NS xvzXT%�m_zfs^ xvzXT'��s �e xvzXT%� _#k#k xvzXT%�~��epg xvzXT'��s =N xvzXT%��_�sZ xvzXT%�m_�e�[ xvzXT%�Ng%f�s xvzXT%�Y[ f�l xvzXT%�Ng�e� xvzXT%��w im xvzXT%���^^ xvzXT%�l��s8l xvzXT%�Wb�� xvzXT%���]HQ xvzXT%�"�'Y�h xvzXT)� �f eP xvzXT %��g�^܀ xvzXT'�H� �^ xvzXT%�O��e�^ xvzXT'�R �e xvzXT%� _�܏ xvzXT%�1g9h�S xvzXT'�_l j_ xvzXT%�UO�y� xvzXT%��_�Wzf xvzXT#�Ng�[2m Ye�c%�4Twm�n xvzXT)� 9\ s� xvzXT %� _\�~ xvzXT%�Rf[� xvzXT%�Ğ/c^t xvzXT%���S�Q xvzXT%�T�k�~ xvzXT%����eNS xvzXT'��s s� xvzXT%�NgBh�� xvzXT%��_Tf%f xvzXT%�Y[�ޘ xvzXT%�UOՈ�_ xvzXT%�fr^�Q xvzXT�d@p�~:���:���:���:� � �@  * �f�,X�@�f�,X,X,�,� �������� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� �� � ~ ��?� � � � � ��� � �� � ��� �� �~ ��?� �� �� ��� ��� ���� �� �~ ��?� �� �� ��� ��� ���� �� �~ ��?� �� �� ��� � �� � �� �� �� � ~ ��?� �!� �"� ��� �# �� �$ � �� �%� �&~ ��?� �'� �(� ��� �) �� �* ��� �+� �,~ ��?� �-� �.� ��� �/�� �0�� �1� �2� �3~ �@� �4� �5� ��� �6�� �7�� ��� �8�� �9�� ��� �:�� �;��� �<� �=~ �@� �>� �?� ��� �@�� �A��� �B� �C~ ��?� �D� �E� ��� �F�� �G�� �1� �H� �I~ ��?� �J� �K� ��� �L�� �M��� �N� �O~ ��?� �P� �Q� ��� �R�� �S��� �T� �U~ �@� �V� �W� ��� 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